Wednesday 19 December 2012


I used slide share after creating a powerpoint whilst writing my evaluation - this made it easier to upload posts to the blog via powerpoint.

How I used the green screen

 As you can see in the picture, we used the green screen to keep full view of the main star and that we could easily remove the background.
Here we used a white backing as we were going to keep the back of the magazine white also, therefore we wouldn't need to change it.

 However here we used bright background colours, therefore we needed to use the green screen to ensure that we could easily remove the background without losing and of the main star. 
This is an edit of one of the green screen photos. I removed the green backing and kept it white and simple, I faded around the edges to dull out any sharp edges. 


Question 4

Here I used the mac suite to get access to the programme iMovie, this is how I made my trailer, this video will take you through step by step on how I edited the clips to create my trailer. This is a video on Keynote. Keynote is a programme in which I used to create the logo overlay on the clips - this was a really realistic use of brand identity.

Question 3

final fc

Question 2

Thursday 13 December 2012

Photos - Ancillary

I edited this photo to match the connotations of MADE IN CHELSEA, i used the brick back ground at it looked more professional than a plain colour.

Final Front Cover


Monday 10 December 2012

How I used iMovie


Firstly I opened iMovie - the programme I used to edit the clips then i imported the footage that we shot in manchester, for Mancunian Way from student resources. After selecting the clips i wanted, i then imported them to iMovie, i further dragged the clips into the timeline after briefly watching them by scanning over them or watching them in a preview.. this made it easier to select. I then trimmed and edited the clip to select it to the point i wanted to include, and completely removed the sound. I then added my second clip by doing the same process, and edited the sound as it wasn't very clear, this made it easier to listen to, and to understand for viewers. I also trimmed this clip by selected split clip and then deleted the half i didn't want. After choose these clips i then went onto transitions, I chose a simple 'fade to white' to end the sequence. I felt the clips were a bit short just two of them and added another using the same techniques. I then selected a song and imported it through itunes on the same panel as the transitions. I also adjusted the music by fading it out towards the end and making it quieter during the speech. I then edited the track, by splitting the clip then dragging it out to the full sequence. I chose the right part of the song i wanted which fit and went well with the moments and speech. I then exported the movie onto my desktop.  

Final edit of trailer

Monday 3 December 2012

How I used Keynote and IMovie..

Here are some screen shots showing how I used IMovie and Keynote to make the trailer more realistic by adding title cards which still flowed over the trailer whilst moving. Also the finishing title cards on IMovie didn't look as professional as this. 

We also did a quick trial run before hand..

Then finally I edited the clip I used towards the end of my trailer..

However I then realised the quality wasn't very good and re-edited the e4 logo...

Monday 26 November 2012

Rough edit, Front cover


This is the first attempt at my front cover ancillary, I decided to follow the same style as 'Fabulous Magazine' which is free given in 'The Sun' sunday newspaper.

Friday 23 November 2012

Third Edit

My new edit, still need to improve the editing cuts as they don't really flow as well and some of the shots look too obviously taken in college - I want to re-film the end scene of steph on the other end of the phone call too. But i feel like the shots aren't shaky, the music flows but the mise en scene needs changing.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Second Edit

I changed the song and editing order to match the theme of made in chelsea

Monday 12 November 2012


This trailer made me realise that at the start of most 'Made In Chelsea' trailers the characters don't speak, they talk and then have an action which start the music. I've decided to change my trailer to match this as I find it works very well, however this will be my 2nd edit of the trailer with various changes (soon to be uploaded) The song is very difficult to choose as it is always up beat and fast - I used Two Door Cinema Club - Undercover Martyn. However I feel it may be a bit too upbeat for this kind of trailer.

Trailer 1

This is the first draft of my trailer, after finalising it i realised that i needed to post title cards to keep the audience aware of what was going on and what they were watching in the first place. 
I want to change the song to again further the point of the trailer as this song doesn't really fit very well with the trailer and drags on a bit too long. 
I want to include other shots like the first half of the phone call towards the end of the trailer, and re-film the scenes that are essential but un-usable. 

Ancillary Planning

This was our second piece of ancillary planning, we thought about names and different types of magazines, due to what type of magazine it was, this would change colour schemes and the amount of people on the front cover. We thought of various different combinations which would affect whether the magazine was 'classy' or 'trashy'.

We took these photos and used them as inspiration towards our main ancillarie's photo. For example wearing a suit instead of typical clothes, this will affect the audiences view of the character. We again want to further this by colour matching the title with a tie or shirt - this will keep a classy look to the magazine but still have features that stand out. 

Here we decided to plan out what the front cover could/would look like, this gave us a more realistic look into what photos and edits we were looking for. By doing so it made it a lot easier to design and follow through. We all made an input as to what we personally wanted and combined the ideas, for example the black and white back ground with one bright colour. We all liked the idea of the colour sticking out however others wanted to keep the background colour. We didn't want to think of features together because we all wanted something different but we made sure everyone was along the same lines.

This was the original piece of planning, as you can see there isn't much detail, it was just a basic brief bit of research more about the magazines than what we were doing. We were looking at what the magazine was trying to achieve, and how it would achieve it's aim. 

We wanted to ensure we made the storyline clear from the ancillaries, both front cover and poster needed to resemble a brief storyline which passing trade would understand at a glimpse. 

Sunday 11 November 2012


These are the storyboard briefs I wrote in preparation to plan the filming.

Thursday 8 November 2012


Due to being absent during the filming of 'The Mancunian Way' I didn't really understand some of the story line brief as it left the audience no cliff hangers, which is the opposite of what we wanted for our trailer. Therefore I cut some of the clips and edited some for example, I cut the clip where Henry says 'You've sacrificed everything for her, if it's just a game you're pathetic' and added a clip of Penelope during the second half of the speech, to anchor her face on the argument between the two friends which makes the audience feel that they have a better understanding of what's going on in the soap. To make the trailer my own I have changed around the original order of the storyboard brief to match a trailer like Made In Chelsea, for example:

I feel that I understand what the group was trying to portray a lot better now, and I have made my own planning notes along with the group notes we made today in the lesson (Photos to be uploaded).

Storyline brief


SCENE 1- Louise, Spencer and Jamie

Wide shot: Louise and Spencer walking together

Close up: Jamie- “Did you sleep together?”

Close up: Louise- looking disappointed

Medium Close up: Spencer- “Yeah”

Close up: Jamie- looking shocked/disappointed

Three shot: Spencer, Louise and Jamie, Jamie- “You’re so weak.”

Close up: Louise- looking upset and crying

Close up: Jamie- “I’m glad you’re crying, you should feel my pain right now.”

Wide shot: Jamie- walking away from Spencer and Louise

            SCENE 2- Caggie and Millie- In restaurant

Medium shot: Caggie- “I’ve decided to go back to London.’

Medium close up: Millie- reaction shot- “When?”

Close up: Caggie- “In a few days.”

            SCENE 3- Spencer, Millie and Cheska- In an iconic place

Three shot: Millie and Cheska walking to Spencer, Spencer waiting. Cheska- “He’s you’re best mate and you slept with his girl.”

Close up: Spencer- reaction shot- looking guilty

Medium close up: Millie- “You need to talk to him and while you’re at it talk to Caggie'

                SCENE 4 - Caggie and Millie- In restaurant

Two shot: Caggie and Millie (back of Millie’s head). Millie- “I’ve told Spencer he needs to speak to you.”

Close up: Caggie- “I wasn’t planning on telling him.”

            SCENE 5- Establishing shots

Wide shot: The Hilton/cafe/expensive restaurant

            SCENE 6- Jamie and Spencer- Having a heated talk

Two shot: Spencer and Jamie (back of Jamie). Jamie- “You sacrificed everything for her, if it’s a game, you’re pathetic”. (Jamie pointing while speaking).

            SCENE 7- Spencer and Louise

Two shot: Spencer and Louise (back of Louise)

Medium close up: Spencer- “I want you to be my girlfriend.”

Extreme close up: Louise (reaction shot) - “I’ve heard you say stuff like this to certain people before”.

            SCENE 8- Spencer and Jamie

Wide shot: Jamie- “Our friendship is over.”

Extreme close up- Spencer looking sad and upset.

            SCENE 9- Caggie and Spencer- Outside train station

Close up: Spencer- “How long are you going for?”

Close up: Caggie- “I don’t plan on coming back any time soon.”

Close up: Spencer (Reaction shot)- looking shocked and upset

Over the shoulder: Caggie- “I don’t want to do this.”

Close up: Spencer- “If it was up to me I wouldn’t let you go.”

Wide shot: Caggie walking away (into train station).

            SCENE 10- Caggie and Louise on the phone

Wide shot: The train timetable board.
Medium shot: Caggie answering the phone

Close Up: Caggie- “Yeah it is, It doesn’t matter anyway I’m going, he’s all yours.”

            SCENE 11- Spencer – In the train station

Wide shot: Spencer running to the train station board

Medium shot: Back of Spencer’s head, looking disappointed.

Monday 5 November 2012

Rejected Shots

Shot One - The camera doesn't remain steady during the shot making it look unprofessional, as the shot continues the actor forgets the lines and the scene doesn't work during the beginning to end. (None of this clip can be used.)

Shot Two - The actor says the line too quick so the camera is still moving from the clip board shot to him, the camera still isn't steady during the shot and ends with someone else's arm in the shot. (None of this clip can be used.)

Shot Three - The background music (diegetic) is too loud therefore the actors can't be heard during the shot.

Shot Four - The camera loses focus during the shot, however the end of this shot can still be used during some part of the trailer as it does focus during the end.

Shot Five - The diegetic noise ruins the shot as you can't hear the actors properly, also the actress gets the lines the wrong way around. (None of this shot can be used.)

Shot Six - As the camera zooms and pans out of the shot it's really unfocused and blurred and continues to shake which gives the wrong message for this shot making it look unprofessional, this shot is supposed to be intense.

Shot Seven - The actress's facial expression doesn't portray the message wanted for the scene as she's supposed to be upset.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Front Cover


I chose to style my front cover around this 'trashy' magazine, it fitted well with the melodramatic soap, hollyoaks. This is where everything is over-exaggerated and unrealistic. However it is based on events that do happen, but not in every day life.


Rejected images

This photo couldn't be used as my front cover image as the person furthest from the left's face is hidden as the camera was at an angle which changed the shot completely.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Hollyoaks Promo

Re-edited the shot through the window, as it was filmed the wrong way.

Hollyoaks Promo

When making the movie, a lot of the shots didn't work and the actors/actresses weren't very sure what they were doing. This was shown throughout the footage, for example - the intense scenes actors weren't very comfortable with getting close and intimate. Overall, most of the footage was good quality and blended well with the song.

The songs main lyrics:
There's nowhere to run
No place you can go
Nowhere you can hide
Where you won't be found
There's no place on earth
Where you could lay low
Wherever you are
I will track you down

There's no way in hell
I will let you leave
Let you just get up
And walk out on me

There's no way on earth
Hell would have to freeze
More than twice before
I will let you go

giving the impression of Mercedes stalker, this adds very nicely also at each beat a new font heading is shown. 

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Filming and Footage

These photos were taken whilst filming our trailer for Hollyoaks, everyone was working together to get an overall better understanding. I took these photos as I was keeping control of hand held camera.

Monday 10 September 2012


Where and when did soap operas oringinate?
The name soap opera stems from the original dramatic serials broadcast on radio that had soap manufacturers and producers. The soaps started gradually on tv, beginning in 1946 at the earliest stage.

Who are they traditionally aimed at?
It was traditional for the husband to go out to work and for the wife to stay at home and look after the house and the children in the early 50’s. Most of these daytime dramas and soaps were aimed at entertaining the housewives who would traditionally be at home, probably doing the washing.
Why were they nick-named ‘soaps’?
A lot of the time the companies selling washing powder would advertise their products at times when these dramas were on, andsometimes those companies would even sponsor the soaps, giving the nick-name ‘Soaps’.

What is the longest running British soap and when did it start?
Coronation Street, it was first aired in 1960.

Hollyoaks review

Aims:  - Analyse Hollyoaks trailer
- Make a blog entry
- Find origins and characteristics of British soaps

- Hollyoaks is now sponsered by nikon, money, use phone and camera to create as a new audience.
- One storyline, two sides through Jaqui and Mercedes
- Two shot, Pauls face dominates the frame which quickly gets the realtionship across to the audience.
- Takes ups more than half the frame, dominant in relationship. In flat/house windows personal belongings, window light and clothes, non verbal communication.
- His face is in focus, his eyes are on hers and body language facing her. She is blurred you can’t see all her face.
- Trapping Mercedes ‘’Nothing you can do will push me away.’’ She isn’t meeting his eyes shes looking down, displaying negative body language, her hair is covering the other half of her face.
- ‘’Ive never seen a man so..... obessed, with me’’ Following the same character but different place, Kitchen with Jaqui.
- Establishing shot, Mercedes in focus, Jaqui out of focus. This shows where they are in relation to eachother.  Mercedes facial features show and portray confusion. She is now in focus and dominates the frame.
- Yellow light means its not daylight, therefore in a house of flat – Softer light makes her feel safer.
- Paul in a different location, watching Mercedes and Riley.
- Pauls point of view – Linked to his obsession – proving the point.
- Music sounds like heartbeat, creating suspense.
- ''The girl needs help.''
- 3 shots of Jaqui, Crawling, taking something, then shocked.
- Apperance changes, blinds, intray, decor, plug sockets, filling cabinet, clock, PLACE OF WORK.
- 5 seconds gives three weeks worth of script – making the audience want to watch the show.
- Next scene, five missed calls from Jaqui, the audience understands by looking ov er the shoulder of the character, without a point of view shot.
- Jaqui is ringing again and Mercedes is with Paul, the ringing still echoes in the background to prove shes ignoring Jaqui.
- Paul is above Mercedes in the shot to show his dominance, she appears vunerable,  ‘I love you’ ‘I...’ ‘Say it’ - Nurse in the background, In the hospital rushing out of his place of work saying ‘It’s mercy shes in danger’.  (Jaqui running into flat.)
- Dominant storyline